Hi Everyone,
It’s hard to believe it’s been what? 9 months or so since I blogged last! And at least that long since I’ve made a card!
Pregnancy was not quite a picnic with morning sickness and towards the end extreme reflux/heartburn. Most uncomfortable, but I’d sure as heck do it again!
Look what we made….
This is my son Sean.
He was born with a common problem that placed him in danger (R.D.S – Respiratory Distress Syndrome), and was sent off to the big hospital in Brisbane for his first week of life, but the wonderful doctors and nurses at the Mater Mother’s hospital in Brisbane knew exactly how to fix him and he’s now home safe and well with us.
This is how he looked in hospital – very scary!
For those of you who still have me on their followers list, apologies for not getting any crafting done, I hope to get back to it soon though.
In the meantime it’s a mountain of nappies and feeding times to contend with……
Enjoy your crafting and I’ll enjoy my son 
Vicki – aka CardarTart